Fun and Easy Christmas Ornaments.
Before I had kids all my Christmas ornaments were made of glass. Well at least the ones I bought at the store. I have always enjoyed crafting and making my own Christmas ornaments but when I had kids the Christmas ornaments began to disappear year after year. This was mainly due to the fact that they kept getting broken as we would decorate the tree with the kids. This is a great tradition but it can be costly and even dangerous. So reluctantly I moved onto plastic Christmas ornaments. The first ones that came out were not that attractive and you could see the seams which was not good. However with time these plastic Christmas ornaments have become quite good.
I like to make different Christmas ornaments each year and put up on a tree we use in the family room which is decorated only with homemade decorations. I have decorations on that tree that were made with my children. It always brings back happy memories when I see that tree. I also have a separate tree in the living room with only store bought decorations or decorations that have been given to me by others. This year I have been busy coming up with other decorating ideas.
This little ornament is fast and easy to make. I used plastic Christmas ornaments which are safer to use and won’t break while doing the project. I saw some at Lowe’s and they were a bit pricey and unfortunately made out of glass. So I took that inspiration and made my own. To complete the project you will need;
Christmas Ornament Supplies Needed:
1) Plastic Christmas ornaments (They can be purchased at various stores such as Michaels, Joanns, or Hobby Lobby). Be sure to get the kind where the top can be removed.
2) Color Wire. Be sure the gauge isn’t too thick or it might be difficult to feed into the ornament. I used wire that is used for jewelry/beading. These can be purchased at Craft stores as well. The packages contain enough wire to make several ornaments.
- Remove the top off of the ornament.
- I then make a little circle at the end of my ornament to keep that edge from scraping the inside of the plastic ornament. (See photo of finished ornament)
- Slowly feed the wire into your ornament. You can help it along by bending the wire a little as it is feed into the ornament.
- When you have the desired amount of wire inside your ornament then just clip (with wire clippers) and make a little circle at the end (like at the beginning) and feed that into the ornament.
- Put the top back onto your ornament and enjoy. Easy Peasy.
The great thing about this is that it is fast, easy and you can use whatever colors you prefer. You can choose colors that compliment your decor.
I hope you enjoy this quick and easy project. Keep Crafting!
I don’t celebrate Christmas, but I still want to make these, just for the fun if it. 🙂
I want to win the lovey crochet pattern book.
Oh, how I would love to win the crochet lovie book!!!!