Bernat Blanket Stitch along – Clue 2 / Week 2

Today I share Clue 2/ Week 2 of the Bernat Blanket Stitch Along.

For the second week’s clue, I chose a different contrast color than week 1.  For this week’s clue,  I am using Contrast color 2 which in case,  is the Bernat Blanket Yarn in Antique White.   I love how this design looks.  It is not something you usually see.

This is a pattern you don’t see very often.  I suspect it might be because people see how gorgeous it is and become intimidated to try to stitch it.  However, I have made every effort to ensure that the video tutorial goes slowly enough for everyone to be able to understand how this stitch is created.    After viewing the video you will hopefully be able to fully understand this stitch and in no time you will be a total pro.  I will share the written pattern and the chart for those who prefer working off of charts.  Either way, I have you covered. Remember, you can stop the video and rewind to view it as many times as you need.  There is also a little gear icon in the lower right-hand side of the video which when selected will allow you to change the speed at which the video plays.  The drop down menu for this icon include a setting for video speed.

Remember, you can stop the video and rewind to view it as many times as you need.  There is also a little gear icon in the lower right-hand side of the video which when selected will allow you to change the speed at which the video plays.  The drop down menu for this icon include a setting for video speed.

Here is a sneak peak at this week’s beautiful clue.

Week 2 - / Clue 2 of Bernat blanket  stitch along

Bernat Blanket Stitch Along Week 2 – / Clue 2 of bernat stitch along


This pattern reminds me of candy.  The stitch may be new to some knitters.  This is also a great pattern to use for scarfs or afghans.   The texture is so beautiful.   Using the Bernat Blanket yarn makes it look like little marshmallows.   How yummy!

If you haven’t purchased your supplies yet there is still time to join the fun.  Please sure to visit and purchase your supplies today.  The knit and crochet versions have different supply requirements.   There are some color selections that are exclusive to Joann retailers.   If you want more information about this fun Mystery Blanket Stitch Along please visit Stitch Along Supply List and info.  In this page your be able to download each week’s clue, supplies list, written patterns and all pertinent information.   Joann’s has also created a special event page on Facebook for both knitters and crocheters.  On this Facebook page you will be able to upload photos, ask questions, share your progress and be inspired by each other.  Joann’s has created this page as a fun community for everyone participating in this Stitch-Along.  Please be sure to visit and link this page today:

If you are a visual learner I have uploaded a video tutorial that goes stitch by stitch and may help you better understand this week’s clue.     Please be sure to share this post with your friends.  Enjoy!   Yolanda


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