Have you seen those soda tab purses and wanted to make one. Well, there really isn’t a good way to describe how to make one other than to show you how. For that reason I am just going to add the link to the 2 video tutorials for this bag. Remember, you can make them larger or smaller depending on your needs, but make sure all of your panels are the same height.
I used what is known as Rat’s Tail nylon cording. It is available in hobby shops and amazon.com Here is a link: http://www.amazon.com/s?ie=UTF8&field-keywords=KC_Accessories&index=arts-crafts&search-type=ss
You will need at least 150 yards for this bag. It will vary depending on if you use 2sc in ea space or choose only 1 sc. Either way, be prepared to use at least 100 yards or more.
You can save soda tabs or you can buy them on ebay. Just put in soda tabs and there are several sellers. This bag uses 740 tabs, be on the safe side and just order the 1000 package.
Good luck. Here are the video links: If the links do not appear, clear on the tab above YouTube videos and you will see the videos there. Thank you.
Video 1
Video 2
Let’s suppose I don’t purchase the tabs but have them. They usually have a very sharp bit of the metal can lid where they were fastened. How do you get rid of that?
The video tutorial will show you how to do that. You will need some pliers to prepare your tabs. It’s not hard to do but just takes a little time. Good luck
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great video very good instructions