The Bernat Stitch Along is now in its third week and it’s time to reveal clue 3. This week’s clue reveal is a beautiful honeycomb pattern. You may have seen this pattern used in various knitting projects. Although it isn’t often shared on social media this pattern is really pretty. The pattern is a 4 stitch repeat. I have gone back to the color yarn I used in week 1. The Bernat Stitch Along is really coming along now.
Why use a cable needle? Our instructions call for using a cable needle or hook. This stitch can be made without using a cable needle however, the cable needle/hook is an easier and more secure way to ensure you don’t drop any stitches. (Dropped stitches can be a hassle to pick up). Some may think that using a cable needle is a slower process but in the end, it can save your from countless dropped stitches and headaches. If you are an advanced knitter you can create the stitch without using a cable needle or hook. For beginning or intermediate knitter I recommend using the cable needle. Once you have mastered the stitch if you want to try creating the pattern without a cable needle that is also an option. You will just have to be careful that you do not drop any stitches as you work.
This pattern is created by alternating the direction in which the stitches lean. From left to right and right to left. By working these stitches in different directions you create the honeycomb pattern. You can choose to work from either the written pattern of the charts. Some people prefer to work from written patterns and others from charts. Either way, we have you covered. To download all needed info including shopping supplies, patterns, video links or other pertinent information please visit: Bernat Stitch Along Info There are some colors that are exclusive to Joann’s Fabric and Craft stores. You can purchase your supplies at your local Joann’s store or go online to
I really like this pattern and it has inspired me to create a knit pot holder.. maybe with a couple of little bumble bees attached to the top. I am thinking of using some cotton yarn in a honey color. I think that would make a fun housewarming present. I hope that you will find the Bernat Stitch Along a great way of adding new techniques to your knitting skills.
It’s not too late to join the Bernat Stitch Along. The videos and instructions are still available for everyone to download and watch. Joann’s has also created a special Facebook event page. That page is being shared by both knitters and crocheters. On that page you can share photos of your progress, ask questions and be inspired by others. Visit the page today and be sure to like it. Here is the link: Bernat Stitch Along Facebook Page
I have uploaded a YouTube Video tutorial for visual learners or if you just want a refresher on knitting the honeycomb pattern. I go stitch by stitch and explain how to create this pattern. Just click on the video box below to watch the full tutorial. Be sure to share the video and this post with your friends and family.
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