A robot crochet hat showed up this week. (Insert Star Wars music here). It’s a BB-8 Inspired hat. A Robot Crochet Hat!
I have been a Star Wars fan since the beginning saga in the 70’s. The whole idea of a fantasy world is always fun. This past year Star Wars released their latest film “The Force Awakens.” I have to admit that the last few Star Wars movies (Not the original series) was not really my favorites. However, this last film “The Force Awakens” I really liked.

Robot Crochet Hat
I found it refreshening and fun. I really enjoyed the introduction of the new droid BB-8. I have been wanting to make a hat inspired by his fun personality but with so many other things going around that it has taken me this long to get around to finally crocheting one. I hope you enjoy this Robot crochet hat.